Why we're here

Alzheimer’s Support is a local charity which exists to improve quality of life for families affected by dementia in Wiltshire.

We support people who are living with dementia in their own homes, helping them to maintain as much independence and control over their lives as possible. We believe that with the right support it is possible to live well with dementia.

Truly person-centred care is at the heart of our operation. Our services include inspirational day clubs, a carefully customised support at home service and a growing range of activity groups - all designed to help people lead lives that are creative, active, productive and meaningful.  

We value our partnerships.

  • We work collaboratively with other organisations to achieve the best outcomes for people living with dementia; these include Alzheimer’s Society, Healthwatch Wiltshire, Wiltshire Council and NHS Wiltshire.
  • We work with communities, providing information and specialist support to enhance local initiatives to support people better.
  • We work alongside family carers, providing information and emotional support throughout the course of the illness.
  • We value the contribution of volunteers who do so much to support our work.


How we are governed

Alzheimer’s Support is governed and strengthened by a skilled and highly motivated Board of Trustees, the vast majority with personal or professional experience of caring for someone with dementia. 

The day-to-day running of Alzheimer's Support is carried out by a team of experienced operational managers under the leadership of Chief Executive Officer Sarah Marriott.

We employ around 150 staff, and enjoy high levels of staff retention.  Our five senior managers have 48 years' experience at Alzheimer's Support between them, yet innovating and being open to change and development are intrinsic to our work.

We are registered with the Care Quality Commission and inspected as a Domiciliary Care Service Provider. Our latest inspection report (Good, November 2022) 

Alzheimer’s Support has achieved all levels of PQASSO (Practical Quality Assurance System for Small Organisations). 
Our patrons are The Marchioness of Lansdowne and John Bush, the former Lord Lieutenant of Wiltshire.

Mission Statement

“Alzheimer’s Support is committed to the provision of a range of flexible, specialist services, which give people with dementia and their carers real choice, whilst maintaining as much independence and control over their lives as possible.”        

Our strategic aims  

  • Expand provision of high quality integrated and person centred support services for people with dementia and their carers
  • Increase public and professional awareness and understanding of dementia through good quality information
  • Improve access to diagnosis and services through defined dementia pathway
  • Safeguard equality of access to services and information for all groups of society
  • Work collaboratively with relevant organisations to achieve best outcomes for people with dementia and their carers
  • Sustain a highly trained and robust workforce to meet future challenges
  • Actively support the implementation of the Wiltshire Dementia Strategy

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