We welcome feedback about our services.


Please tell us when we have done something well or if you would like to thank a member of staff for something that has particularly helped. You can do this by filling in our feedback form, by phone on 01225 776481, or email.  It is always helpful to hear about the positive difference our services are making. 

How to complain

Alzheimer’s Support aims to provide the best possible service to people with dementia, their carers and others who use the service. We evaluate the quality of service provided and encourage and welcome comments and suggestions, which will help to ensure high standards.

The Home Support Service is registered with the Care Quality Commission and is inspected to prove compliance with its regulations.

If you are concerned about any aspect of the service you are receiving from us, please raise this in the first instance with the relevant service manager, for example the Day Care Services Manager or your Care Co-ordinator.

If you feel your concerns have not been resolved please write or telephone:

Monique Bentley,
Registered Services Manager
Alzheimer’s Support
Trinity House, Bryer Ash Business Park
Trowbridge BA14 8HE

01225 776481 or email Monique

Your concerns will be taken very seriously, dealt with promptly and treated in the strictest confidence.  Our Compliments, Comments and Complaints policy gives more information about this.