Before I joined Chippenham Memory Café I was a bit morose and not really talking, but being here has made me quite chatty. You meet similar couples and it’s brought back all sorts of memories for me. I wouldn’t miss going now – everyone’s so lovely.

George, who attends the cafe with wife Briony

Chippenham Memory café meets fortnightly for activities, chat, and a chance to catch up informally with dementia professionals.

As well as the general café, there is also a quieter area where couples can sit and enjoy the refreshments and entertainment. 

If this is your first time then please call us on 01380 739055 or fill in the form below. If you are a regular visitor to our cafe just turn up!

We look forward to seeing you soon. 

Please note, to help towards our costs we ask everyone to pay £4.50 on the door.   

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Chippenham Memory Café

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