11th August, 2020

Staff at Alzheimer’s Support’s Old Silk Works Club in Warminster welcomed its members back wearing T-shirts with their faces and names printed on them. The aim of the T-shirts was to reassure and amuse members who were returning after a four-month absence due to lockdown.

Old Silk Works manager, Louise Gover, said: “Club members were in hysterics when they first saw us in our T-shirts and masks. They were really taking the Mickey and saying ‘What do you look like!’”

“I had seen T-shirts with people’s faces online and thought they were a good idea. Members were returning to a place they hadn’t been in months and the first thing they’d see coming towards them is someone in a mask, gloves and apron and holding a thermometer.

“They understand why we have to wear PPE, but the T-shirts were a talking point, reassuring and really silly too.”

All Alzheimer’s Supports clubs closed in March and are gradually welcoming members back after its reopening plans were approved by Public Health England and Wiltshire Council.

Alzheimer's Support is very grateful to Cre8world UK in Trowbridge which printed the shirts.