28th July 2020

Support workers are delivering 279 cream teas and 159 ploughman's lunches to Alzheimer's Support's Home Support clients across Wiltshire this week. 

The charity has had to cancel its annual cream tea get-togethers due to the pandemic. Instead, support workers are taking the  scones, jam and cream and, for the first time, ploughman's lunches, to clients to enjoy in the comfort of their own homes and gardens.

The ploughman's lunches were generously provided by apetito, the charity's corporate partner, while Tesco supplied the scones.

Sally Haddrell-Jenks, Head of Registered Services, organised and coordinated the distribution of the cream teas and says she spent several weeks dreaming of scones, cheese and jam.

She said: “Cream teas are a big part of summer at Alzheimer’s Support and were determined that our clients wouldn’t miss out this year.

"I’m so proud of the whole Home Support team for stepping up to make special things happen for our clients and very grateful to Tesco who so kindly provided the scones.”

(Pictured: Phyllis enjoying her cream tea delivered by her support worker Jan Stagg)