Latest News Carers Together Wiltshire 5th April 2024 Alzheimer's Support is working in partnership with Age UK Wiltshire, Community First, Alzheimer’s Support, Wiltshire Service Users Network, Citizens Advice Wiltshire and Wessex Community Action, under the umbrella ‘Carers Together Wiltshire’. The partnership, led by Age UK Wiltshire, will allow the organisations to provide tailored support to the thousands of individuals across Wiltshire. Supporting unpaid carers in Wiltshire Caring for another person can be a rewarding but challenging job. Together, the charities can offer much-needed practical and emotional support to unpaid carers and provide opportunities for respite from caring duties. There are currently thousands of individuals identified as carers in Wiltshire. Carers Together aims to ensure that these individuals can achieve a healthy balance between their caring responsibilities and personal lives. How we will help carers Carers Together can provide: activities, respite, advice, counselling, coaching, training and support (including peer-support) for carers. CEO of AgeUK Wiltshire said: "We are here to support you, offer a listening ear and practical help and support." Sarah Marriott, CEO of Alzheimer's Support said: "We are pleased to be part of the consortium of organisations working together across Wiltshire to provide a joined up network of care. We aim for unpaid carers to have a wide range of options for accessing the services and support they need." Contact Carers Together by email [email protected] or phone 01380 710300 More about Carers Together Wiltshire More support for carers in Wiltshire Forward Carers is now providing digital support for carers in Wiltshire. It lists all the online events available to carers in Wiltshire and provides the Carer ID Card which enables unpaid carers to show their caring role when out and about and in heathcare settings. Click here to get your Wiltshire Carer ID card Carer Support Wiltshire is a specialist organisation that campaigns for carers rights and offers recreational breaks for carers. It also works with GP practices and a range of businesses and employers in Wiltshire to help them become more carer-aware. The Wiltshire Dementia Roadmap is an invaluable tool for finding out more about the informal, very practical support available in different locations. More about support for carers of people living with dementia in Wiltshire Manage Cookie Preferences