Get involved Fundraise Our fundraisers SkyDive in Memory of Dad Mike Bonney Donate My darling Daddy, Mike Bonney, bravely lived with vascular dementia for a number of years and it took him away from us far too soon. In order to celebrate his life and memory and to raise money to support the ongoing work of the local charity Alzheimer's Support, I am jumping out of a plane at 15,000ft and skydiving over Salisbury Plain in September!Alzheimer's Support in Wiltshire this year celebrates 30 years of working to support people living with dementia in Wiltshire. For us Alzheimer's Support provided Dad with genuine and fun-loving care one day a week in its home-from-home day care centre in Devizes. This allowed my wonderful Mum to have much needed rest each week and, in turn, this allowed her to care for my Dad at home with her right up until just weeks before his passing. They also provided us with excellent one-to-one carer support and a signposting service all of which made Dad's and our journey with dementia less onerous.The struggle people with dementia and their carers must have gone through during lockdown is one that I can only imagine. I know that Alzheimer's Support has been at the frontline of the Covid crisis giving vital social care for people living with dementia. Every day they made visits to people living with dementia who were isolated at home, provided telephone support to many more and helped people access music, art and exercise online. They are now starting to reopen the day care centres after lengthy and no doubt costly work to ensure they are safe and ready for their members to return to.I know that these are extremely tough times for most if not all of us but I also know more than ever at the moment just how important the support of others is in tough times. If you are able to donate just a few £s towards this invaluable charity by sponsoring me you will be helping those living with this cruel, life-limiting illness live out their years with more dignity and positivity and help support their loved ones through this tough and sad journey. Thank you! xx Josie Bonney Manage Cookie Preferences