Get involved Fundraise Our fundraisers A juke box for Old Silk Works! Donate Our sister club in Trowbridge has just been given a brand new 50's style digital jukebox and we want one too! Music is so important to people living with dementia and we always have music - in pre-Covid time, even live performers - in the club. Our members with dementia love to sing along, get up and dance, and reminisce about their favourite tunes and the memories they spark. A 50-style, digital jukebox would be a brilliant addition to our club and we know our members would absolutely love it. We don't just want a jukebox, we NEED a jukebox! Our members deserve the best!!! What are we doing about it? Watch our TikTok-athon! Every day the staff team will post on TikTok video to amuse you. If you like what you see, please donate! Help us reach our fundraising target We need to raise £700. Please give what you can, even a few pounds, and every penny will go to the Old Silk Works Jukebox fund. Let's have a ball!! Our tiktokathon - Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 St George's Day Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 8 - the last one... Louise Gover Manage Cookie Preferences