As we celebrate the incredible volunteers who dedicate their time to our charity, Amr Garcha shares what inspires him to volunteer at Scots Lane day club.

"As a retired person, I had time on my hands. Yes, I could, have filled it with other things or nothing but I wanted to find something to do that would be a positive experience all round. I didn't want to do anything that felt regimented or lacked flexibility and thinking back to my past experiences, I knew what I did and didn't want to do with my time.

"Over the years I've had quite a bit of contact with people of advanced years in the context of physical activity and dance, including people living with dementia. The time I spent doing this hadn't felt like work, so I knew something along those lines would be a good fit for me.  An online search for volunteering work brought up the new Scots Lane day club in Salisbury, it seemed right to join a place that would be new for everybody, and local too.

"I like volunteering at Scots Lane because it's a very people-oriented place. The staff and other volunteers are easy-going and activities are open to a flexible approach, as is often required with members. It's satisfying to be able to have input for a positive result.

"My time at the club can be flexible from week to week. From board games to floor activities such as golf or curling; to singing and dancing with members or washing up at lunchtime, I always throw myself into something different.

"I didn't have any reservations about taking up this role because when you're volunteering there isn't the same pressure as when you're applying for a post, the need to gain employment isn't a factor. This allows you to be more relaxed in your approach. I believe that on the whole, my volunteering work at the club has a positive impact on our members, which in turn positively affects me.

"To any prospective volunteer, I would suggest if you've had no previous contact in this area do some research on the subject beforehand. Maybe visit a day club to get a feel and ask yourself why you've chosen to do so. Is it something you should/need to do or want to do and what do you hope to gain from it? "

More about volunteering at Alzheimer's Support