Terms and Conditions

1. The Walk will take place on Saturday 14th September 2024.  If we have to change the date due to extreme adverse weather or similar reasons an alternative date will be set. If you wish to complete your challenge independently on a nearby date you must let us know. 
2. The Walk to Remember registration fee is £15 for adults and £5 for children 11 to 16 years inclusive. There is no fee for children under 11 years. 
3. After registering and paying your registration fee you will receive:
• Fundraising pack
• T-shirt (available on the day) 
• Medal (on completion)
• Certificate
4. If you are unsure of your suitability to take part, please seek and take medical advice.  All challenges are carried out at your own risk. We cannot take any responsibilities.
5.  Dogs are not allowed in the grounds of Wilton House estate so cannot take part in A Walk to Remember. Please do not bring your dog on the day. 
6. Photographs and videos of the event participants may be used in print, online and on social media to publicise A Walk to Remember and the work of Alzheimer’s Support. 
7. Remember to have at hand a bottle of water and sun cream for your protection and to wear sensible footwear.
8. Unless you have indicated otherwise we will send occasional email reminders in the run-up to the walk in order to keep you informed of arrangements.  We will not send other emails unless you have opted-in to receive them. 
9. Most importantly, enjoy your walk and have FUN! 😊

Don't forget!

Our fundraising team is available for support and advice on 01985 624005 or email us