26th August 

Unpaid carers in Wiltshire are being asked to give their views to ensure the organisations providing support are aware of what is most needed.

Carers Together Wiltshire, a partnership which include Alzheimer's Support, wants to hear from unpaid carers to shape its understanding about how people are currently feeling about certain areas life, such as money, employment, social engagement and more.

Wiltshire Council holds various reports written, by different data providers, from over the last couple of years and Carers Together Wiltshire wants to understand if the data is still reflective of how unpaid carers feel in 2024.  

A spokesperson for Carers Together Wiltshire said: "We are keen to hear the voices of all kinds of unpaid carers and hope you will be able to help us by completing this online survey. The survey has mandatory and optional questions plus opportunities throughout to share your thoughts and words.

"This is a really important survey as it will help shape how we continue to provide a carer friendly community in Wiltshire."

The survey is open now and will close at 5pm on Thursday 5 September 2024.

Take the survey

Support for carers of people with dementia in Wiltshire

More about Wiltshire Carers Together