51.20249350 -2.18146630 1 /warminster-art-group 1. Warminster Art Group Get creative at our art and craft group for people living with dementia - meets on the first and third Wednesdays at the Lakeside Community Centre.Read more 51.20332890 -2.18250180 2 /warminster-memory-cafe 2. Warminster Memory Café Warminster Memory Café meets on the last Monday afternoon of the month for activities, chat, and a chance to catch up informally with dementia professionals.Read more 51.26073650 -2.18797700 3 /westbury-cafe 3. Westbury Café Supportive memory cafe for people living with dementia and their families in Westbury. Meets monthly on Wednesday afternoons. Read more 51.25041890 -2.19725610 4 /music-for-the-mind-westbury 4. Music for the Mind Westbury Uplifting and friendly singing group, meets at Westbury Leigh Community Hall every Thursday afternoon during term time.Read more
Get creative at our art and craft group for people living with dementia - meets on the first and third Wednesdays at the Lakeside Community Centre.Read more
Warminster Memory Café meets on the last Monday afternoon of the month for activities, chat, and a chance to catch up informally with dementia professionals.Read more
Supportive memory cafe for people living with dementia and their families in Westbury. Meets monthly on Wednesday afternoons. Read more
Uplifting and friendly singing group, meets at Westbury Leigh Community Hall every Thursday afternoon during term time.Read more
Uplifting and friendly singing group, meets at Westbury Leigh Community Hall every Thursday afternoon during term time. Read more
Warminster Memory Café meets on the last Monday afternoon of the month for activities, chat, and a chance to catch up informally with dementia professionals. Read more
Get creative at our art and craft group for people living with dementia - meets on the first and third Wednesdays at the Lakeside Community Centre. Read more